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Submitting your podcast to Google Podcasts

Google Podcasts might already have your podcast active on their service. Head over to Google Podcasts and search for your show to find out.

If you don’t find it, follow these steps to submit your podcast to Google Podcasts:

Note: You’ll need a Google account in order to submit your RSS feed to Google Podcasts.

  1. Go to Google Podcasts Manager and click Start now.
  2. Enter your RSS feed and click Next step.
    Tip: You can find your RSS feed in your Podcast Availability settings.
  3. Click Next step again to confirm your selection.
  4. Google Podcasts may send a verification code to the email address you use with Spotify for Podcasters. Click Send code to receive the email.
    Note: If the email address you use with Spotify for Podcasters matches the email address on your Google account, you may not need to verify.
  5. Check your email for the code and paste it back into Google Podcasts Manager.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Google Podcasts will confirm your submission, and take up to 24 hours to process your podcast distribution request.

It typically takes 5 business days for your show to be listed on their platform. If you have any trouble submitting your podcast, contact Google’s Podcast Support team.

Add your Google Podcasts listing to your Spotify for Podcasters profile

Once your podcast is on Google Podcasts, you can add the link to your Spotify for Podcasters profile:

  1. Log in to Google Podcasts Manager.
  2. Click Settings, then Share podcast.
  3. Click Copy to clipboard to copy your Google Podcasts URL.
  4. Head to your Spotify for Podcasters Podcast Availability settings.

Paste your Google Podcasts URL under the Google Podcasts section and click Add to profile.

Podcast not appearing on Google after two weeks?

If you still can't find your podcast on Google Podcasts two weeks after submitting it, you can check its status and generate a listing link by using Google’s Podcast Publisher:

  1. Get your RSS feed from your Podcast Availability page.
  2. Head to Google's Podcast Publisher, paste your RSS feed, and click Generate.
  3. Your listing link should appear. Add it to your Podcast Availability page.

Episode not publishing to Google Podcasts?

Google Podcasts uses bots to automatically check for podcast updates. To trigger a manual update:

  1. Head to this Google page
  2. Paste your RSS feed into the Publisher Diagnostics field and click Get Info.
  3. This pulls the most recent information Google has read from your RSS feed. If it's not up-to-date, you can trigger a feed refresh.
  4. Return to the same Google page, paste your RSS feed into the Publish field, and click Publish.
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 again to confirm the update was successful.
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